
What is 2FA (Two-factor authentication)?

view : 191 2024-01-19 05:05:30

1) Log in to your FamilyLinkMeta (FLM) account.

2) Click the screen MyAccount - My Profile menu.

3) Scroll down until the MANAGE 2FA button appears.

5) Click Enable two-step authentication.

6) The message should read: "You are about to take account security to the next level. Follow the steps in this wizard to enable dual authentication." Click Next

7) Open an app that supports token generation (e.g., Google Authenticator). Scan this QR code and then enter the token generated by the app in the Token field.

8) Click Next

9) When successful, the following message appears: "Congratulations, you have successfully enabled dual authentication."

10) Click Back to Profile.